Our Story
Stargazers of Hawaii started out as a longtime hobby for owner, Nick Bradley. He has always been curious about the world and how things work. Coming upon a book of constellations in middle school, he was curious to find out what could be seen from the outside of his apartment. Only the brightest stars were distinguishable from the city lights of Honolulu but he was hooked.
After a trip to the Bishop Museum Planetarium, he discovered the local astronomy club for Oahu, the Hawaiian Astronomical Society and has been a club member for 20+ years. He often attends the club's star parties for the public and with his telescope, shows the wonders of our universe to all curious minds.
Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii on the island of Oahu, Nick graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering. From there, he entered the work force in the construction industry from intern project engineer, up to Project Manager and Estimator for General and Electrical contractors working on projects all across the island of Oahu.
With a passion for the science of astronomy and an eagerness to a share his knowledge of the Hawaiian constellations, Stargazers of Hawaii was established in 2019 to personally bring the universe to you and show you what wonders can be seen when you look up into the night sky. The experience will literally take you out of this world and bring you to a new appreciation of our stars.
In 2021, Nick was selected as a volunteer NASA/JPL/Caltech Solar System Ambassador. He has been an astronomy merit badge counselor for the Boy Scouts of America since 2019.
Nick is also an avid baseball fan and has been the University of Hawaii baseball team volunteer video coordinator since the 2015 season. He actively plays in local baseball and softball leagues on Oahu and has been involved in local baseball since 2008.